Recovering from ACL Surgery

A personal journey of recovery from ACL Reconstruction Knee Surgery.

Latest Recovery Journal Updates

  • On a different pitch
    I miss playing football and this gave me a little taster of what could be.
  • Running Outdoors
    My first outdoor run is a success and I am one stop closer to “normal”.
  • A Change from Spain
    Today was my last session in Spain for three months, as I will be travelling over the summer.
  • Fixing my feet
    It is time to take my flat feet seriously and do something about it.
  • Back to running
    Today I ran for the first time since the injury and it feels great.
  • Running target set
    I have another milestone to aim for… and it’s a big one.
  • Six months went by in a flash
    I have come so far, but there is still a lot more to do.
  • Time to push hard
    There is a lot of work still to do and now is the time to ramp up the work.
  • Don’t be a hero
    A visit to my surgeon, a pep talk and some words of wisdom.
  • The Silence of the Knee
    My physio in England finds and fixes the knee clicking.

View all Recovery Journal Entries

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