Operation date confirmed

  • 1 month and 1 day after injury

The operation date has now been confirmed for the 7th of November at the Alexandra Hospital in Manchester.

I also had some good news: only one surgery is required as the bone tunnels from the previous repair can be re-used or avoided.

An excerpt from the consultant’s report with all the injury details.

My knee has felt mostly normal. I have been keeping cardio levels up with cycling hill sprints and have a daily physio routine for leg/hip strength.

Currently, I am in Spain. The injury came after making plans to stay here longer, but I decided to go for a month before the surgery. Being in the warmer weather has helped me get out and keep up my exercise.

I am keeping on top of pre-surgery physio exercises in Denia, Spain.

I have also been paddleboarding regularly, which is good for balance and core. It will be something fun to do after surgery.

There have been some clicks and clunks. Sometimes, there is a little bit of instability, but I am fortunate to have no pain from day to day.

I sleep on my side, which feels slightly uncomfortable, so I have gotten into the habit of putting a pillow between my knees.

Sleeping is more of a challenge after surgery. In the beginning, sleeping on my side won’t be possible, so I am trying to think of ways to keep on my back.

I tried to get an earlier surgery date by going on a cancellation list, but it didn’t work out. Even with private healthcare, it will be two months from injury to surgery.

Now it’s just a waiting game.

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