Full range achieved

74 days since surgery
One of the main focuses after ACL surgery is getting the full range of motion back.
The time it takes is different for everyone. It depends on the surgery and how your body recovers.
Today I got pretty much the full range back. I had already achieved full extension very soon after surgery, and now I can bend both my legs the same.
For the past week or two, my physio Ferran has been focusing on releasing stiffness in the knee and muscles. He performed some deep electrical stimulation to the meniscus area, which was a bit painful but helped to increase the knee range.
These treatments help, but getting the range back is a boring, repetitive process that starts right after your surgery.
You have to keep bending your knee and pushing the range, as much as you can and every day.
This feels like another big step forward… and soon, I can start setting some more exciting goals.