Fixing my feet

  • 7 months, 3 weeks and 1 day after surgery

I have flat feet and, over the years, have tried different types of insoles to correct them.

Several physios recommended them and I had some custom fitted. They didn’t feel any different, except I regularly twisted my ankle badly playing football with them. It felt like the extra arch support tilted my foot outwards.

However, I decided to give them another chance on the recommendation of Jose. Today I picked up a new custom-fitted pair from PodoDenia.

They checked my feet, arches, and had me walk on a sensor pad that generated a computer report on my stride. From this data, a custom pair of insoles was made which are the right feet for my feet individually.

The concern with flat feet is that the alignment of your leg, and knee, can be slightly more inwards. These can lead to the inward movement of the knee during dynamic/cutting movements, which puts stress on the ACL.

If you have watched videos of ACL injuries in detail (as I have!), you will know it is almost always a bent knee with an inwards movement that stresses and tears the ligament.

Anything that will prevent this movement can only be a good thing, and I will now make a habit of wearing these insoles for day-to-day wear and during sports/exercise.

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