Edging Back into Snowboarding

  • 1 year, 2 months and 1 day since surgery

When I saw my surgeon just before Christmas, we planned and prepared for this snowboarding trip. I worked hard over the last couple of weeks to get ready, but I did start to feel something in my knee.

In the gym I worked on the usual strength sets. I added in some more dynamic hopping and box jumps, and I think this triggered something. I wouldn’t say it’s pain, but more a very slight feeling of stiffness.

I am likely overanalysing it, but it caused me some worry. The feeling was in the posterior medial meniscus area which was highlighted on my latest MRI scan as an area of possible degradation.

So when I got to Austria, I was a bit nervous to get on the slopes. Snowboarding is tiring, needs good strength, and is a real test for my knee.

But I didn’t need to worry. Everything went well and I was able to get a good first session in Wagrain, Austria.

I did still feel something in my knee at times, but it is more like the joint loosening up a bit more after I am using it in a different way.

But I am going to take it easy. We have six days of snowboarding in total, and I will listen to my body carefully.

That’s another milestone passed!

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