A weekend of weddings

  • 6 days after injury

I spent the weekend celebrating with friends and family, with weddings on both Saturday and Sunday.

It gave me some time to take my mind off the injury. I was reminded that there are more important things in life, and both days were filled with love that kept my mind positive.

I had a good drink on the Sunday but not to excess. It’s not great for a new injury with swelling but, as I mentioned before, the damage is already done. A few drinks won’t make the injury itself any worse.

It was sore at times, but the pain didn’t stop me and I was able to get on the dance floor.

As I drove back from the Lake District today, my mind turned back to what is coming. Next up is a physio appointment, then a consultant appointment, then an MRI scan, then a follow up appointment with the results.

It’s a dragged out process but I know how it all works, and I will be speeding it up as much as I can.

I am not hopeful, but I am happy.

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